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08:00 AM
09.00 AM
09:15 AM
09:45 AM
10:45 AM
Platform opens for participants
Welcome from Impact 17+1 Club and opening remarks from the Chairperson
Speaker: Scott Cook, Co-Founder, Intuit
Opening Address: Humanity is facing an existential crisis and requires a global change: How to fix a broken world from the eyes of an 18-year-old, International Climate Activist
Speaker: Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg, Swedish environmental activist
Parallel Sessions
Panel A: GOAL 1: No Poverty
Panel B: GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
Panel C: GOAL 3: Good Health and Well Being
CEO’s Keynote Address: Parallel Sessions
Embracing the sustainability Challenge. CEOs are embracing sustainable practices across their businesses, resulting in stronger communities and a healthier environment. CEOs are leading the way through investments, innovation and strategic decisions, toward a more environmentally and economically sustainable future.
Ann Rosenberg
SVP for Sustainable Development at Wood Co-Founder of UN SDG Ambition
Robert W. Antablin
Partner and Co-Head of KKR Global Impact
Shaloo Garg
MD, Unicorns, Microsoft | Forbes Contributor | UN Women | Board Member
Tim Christophersen
Head, Nature for Climate Branch, Ecosystems Division at UN Environment Programme

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